Garret Wing

Welcome to the Online Press Kit for Garret Wing and American Standard Dog Training

Balancing Act: Reward, Correct, Control

Top dog trainer Garret Wing teaches people to train their own dogs with tactics from his 18 years as a police K9 handler, and a lifetime of living and working with dogs.

Garret Wing has revolutionized the dog training world with his blend of hands-on experience from almost two decades as a police K9 handler and a lifetime alongside canines. He's not just teaching commands; he's shaping relationships between humans and dogs.

In the dog training realm, a debate rages between the "force-free" advocates and the "old-school" correctives. Garret has found a middle ground. "There are pros and cons to both," he states. “Rewards such as treats or hot dogs are a fantastic way to teach your dog to do something. The problem is, there's not a hot dog or treat on the planet that will stop your dog from chasing after a cat, squirrel, bunny, or deer.” On the flip side, traditional methods might control but can dampen a dog's spirit. His balanced approach and dynamic training style meld motivation with guidance, creating responsive, happy dogs. He has attracted a diverse clientele, ranging from celebrities and professional athletes to everyday dog owners, and he teaches them how to train their dogs through online and in-person courses offered by his companies, American Standard Dog Training and It’s the culmination of his lifetime of experience living and working with police dogs.

From Law Enforcement to Social Media Luminary

Garret's journey is as compelling as his methods. With deep roots in law enforcement K9
handling, thanks to his father's 30-year career, Garret was born into a world where dogs were partners and protectors.

“My father worked as a K9 handler for nearly 30 years for a major metropolitan police agency in South Florida,” he says. “When I was born in 1983, there was already a fully trained police K9 in our home as part of our family. When I was growing up, my father’s police dogs were like brothers to me. Instead of conventional family holidays, we would travel to police K9 competitions and demonstrations across the country.”

Garret didn't just walk; he sprinted through the ranks to become a top-tier senior police K9 supervisor. His knack for turning even the most challenging canines into compliant partners didn't go unnoticed, quickly catapulting him into the realm of police K9 consulting and then, by popular demand, into training civilian dogs with his hard-earned law enforcement strategies. He's translated this rich legacy into a thriving business. Now, he's a sensation on TikTok and YouTube, drawing in millions with his engaging, informative content.

Garret's no stranger to the tough cases. "We would take on all ages, all breeds, all issues, a lot of aggression cases, and we had a lot of success," he confidently states, reflecting on the diverse range of challenges he's tackled head-on. But he didn't stop there. "We started doing online courses at the same time," he adds, highlighting his move to democratize his sought-after training techniques. By bringing his on-the-ground expertise to the digital world, Garret has opened the doors for dog owners everywhere to benefit from his straightforward, results-driven training approach. This dual commitment to in-person and online training underlines his dedication to spreading the wisdom of effective dog handling far and wide, ensuring every owner can lead confidently and allow every dog to become their best self.

A Mission of Mastery and Empowerment

Garret's mission is to empower owners to become the trainers and leaders their dogs respect and follow. It's more than sit and stay; it's about understanding and communicating. His American Standard Dog Training reflects his commitment to excellence, ethics, and accessibility. He's not just shaping better-behaved dogs; he's building a community of informed, confident dog owners.

With its crew of six certified trainers and a vision to empower over a hundred more across the states, the ethos is all about rolling up your sleeves and diving deep into the real deal of dog training.

MASTERY: American Standard Dog Training is all about elevating the game every single day. It's not just training; it's transforming folks into dog-whispering pros. They're here to crank up your confidence and skills, making you the go-to person for your dog's every need.

ETHICS: When it comes to dogs, it's health and happiness first, no ifs or buts. The team is grounded in a training approach that puts every pup's welfare at the heart, ensuring that as behaviors bend, spirits don't break.

TRUST: They're the straight shooters of the dog training world, busting myths and setting the record straight. With techniques that might buck the trend but deliver the goods, they've earned a pack of fans who swear by their methods.

SATISFACTION: This isn't about slapping a band-aid on behavioral boo-boos. American Standard is in the business of crafting well-behaved, happy dogs that stick. They're about giving you and your furry friend the skills for a lifetime of high-fives and tail wags.

ACCESSIBILITY: Everyone deserves to be their dog's superhero, and American Standard Dog Training is making sure of it. They're all about breaking down the barriers, making top-notch training something everyone can get in on and feel pumped about.

CONTROL: Sure, life throws curveballs, but your dog's behavior shouldn't be one of them. They're all about teaching you the reins of command, so no matter what's happening around you, your dog stays tuned in and turned on to your cues.

American Standard Dog Training isn't just a training ground; it's a revolution in building a community of empowered, ethical, and skilled dog trainers ready to take the lead and make a lasting impact in the world of dog companionship. “We're going to show people our secret sauce, not just on how to train dogs, but also how to run a successful dog training business, so they can hit the ground running and actually make money doing what they love,” he says.

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